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Sunday, 11 August 2013

Chika Ike Says She's A Victim Of Domestic Abuse; Husband Used Her As Punching Bag

What got into Tony Eberiri that he didn't go to a boxing ring for training but decided to turn our dear actress Chika Ike into his boxing mate? Really sad! Below is how Chika Ike captured her experience:
The past three years has been a very emotional period for me. I focused my energy on work and to build back my self esteem. Its been really hard for me to come out straight and talk about this because sometimes I pinch myself to wake up and not believe that I was a victim of domestic violence. I've been through a lot in my life, faced a lot of challenges but this is one topic I've tried so hard to avoid and have been waiting for the right time but I have come to a resolve that there's really no right time because every second of the day, lives are being lost due to domestic violence. I was a victiim of domestic violence in my marriage and that was the singular reason I left my marriage, aside other reasons.
Growing up as a girl. I was always known as the sweetest kid on the block, before I got married, I have been through some relationships and for once no man had ever laid a finger on me. The first time it happened in my marriage I didn't understand it because I am not the type of woman a man beats but I guess there are no types. It just happens and no woman deserves it. As a young girl I thought it was love or his way of expressing his emotions, after every beating he pleads, cries and says it won't happen again, once again I thought it was love and mad
e excuses for him. 
Over the years when it kept happening consistently I started looking for other definitions for it. I started loosing my self pride,self esteem , self worth, and most painfully I lost a pregnancy (Miscarriage). I almost lost my life in the process then I realised how serious and abnormal it really was.

I have heard and read a lot of accusations from ignorant people who don't know my story,I  guess that's why they are ignorant. I was 20yrs old and very naïve to the world when I got married. “They said I married for money“ LOL. I was married to a corporate guy, who had a 9_5 job in a bank, Lives in a rented 2 bedroom apartment at Egbe.. So do the maths! . I married for love. I did a traditional wedding. A white wedding and a court wedding. So that's how much I wanted to be married forever. 
 For five years I hoped, prayed & wished that one day it will all change. But the last straw that broke the carmels back was during a heated argument he threw a glass jug to my face and I dogged it and it shattered on d wall. I saw death flash before me and I made a decision to save my life. I left my marriage.

Am not saying this to draw pity from anyone because we are entitled to our opinions and believes. I am not also saying this to discourage people from falling in love because its a beautiful feeling and I still believe in it. I am saying this to educate, share and talk about my experience as a victim of domestic violence because it is real.
- Chika IkePosted byOlu Famousat8:11 AMEmail ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookReactions: 16 comments:

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