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Thursday, 30 October 2014

Meet Suman, The World’s Fattest Kid

Always room for more: 14st 5lbs Suman Khatun, 6, tucks into one of the many bowls of eggs and rice that she gets through each day. Her much more appropriately built cousin , Baadshah Khan, looks on

  • Dad’s weekly wages spent on girl’s food… while rest of family go hungry
  • Daughter demands food from neighbours when she’s finished eating
  • Rolls on floor crying and eats MUD if parents refuse to feed her
  • Muches 15 biscuits and TEN bananas (and that’s just for an afternoon snack)
Standing just 3ft 5ins tall and weighing a staggering 90kg, this child weighs five times more than she should. Standing just 3ft 5ins tall and weighing a staggering 14st 5lbs, this child weighs five times more than she should.
Suman, from West Bengal, India, devours two giant plates of rice, two bowls of fried fish, two fried eggs and a couple of omelettes – and that’s just for lunch, after two breakfasts of biscuits, bananas, rice and eggs.
Mother Beli Bibi, 32, isn’t sure how much her daughter eats because immediately after lunch she drags herself across the road to demand more food from neighbours. She said: ‘She’s hungry all the time and all she does is cry. I don’t like seeing my daughter so sad so I feed her. What am I meant to do?’
They’re all mine! Suman clutches the two enormous barrels of rice she’ll eat in a week.
Suman was born a healthy 8lbs 9ozs but her appetite grew from the moment she began drinking milk. Her father, Jalal, 38, earns £10GBP a week as a farmer, which he spends almost entirely on Suman’s greed, often leaving the rest of the family hungry.
She does no exercise and is exhausted walking for any more than a minute, collapsing on a sweaty heap on the floor. Suman spends her entire day sitting in front of the television or watching her older sister Shabnam, 13, twice her age and half her size, play with neighbourhood friends.
Weighing the same as basketball legend Michael Jordan in his prime, the six-year-old is too unfit to play cricket or run around with the rest of the neighbourhood children.
Suman holds hands with her thin friends in the village where average earnings are only around £10-a-week and many youngsters spend their days hungry


Breakfast No1 at 7am: 20 biscuits and 12 bananas
Breakfast No2 at 9.30am: 2 plates of rice and 5 eggs
Snack: 15 biscuits, 1-2 packets of crisps (whatever is available) and 10 bananas
Lunch at 12pm: 2 plates of rice, 2 bowls of fish and potato curry, 2 omelettes and pickle.
Snack: 10 sweets, 15 biscuits, 10 bananas, 2 packets of crisps
Dinner: 2 plates of rice, 2 bowls of fish curry, potato and tomato chutney
DailyMail UK

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