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Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Rugby League Player Hangs Self Shortly After Fiancée Ended Engagement

Depression has been something a lot of people have been fighting before now without blowing its trumpet. Depression isn’t new, but it’s now becoming more rampant among young people these days.

A 30-year old Rugby league player, Anthony Hughes has committed suicide shortly after his fiancée of four years called off their engagement. Hughes has been battling this illness ever since he broke up with the mother of his only child about five years ago. He later met his fiancée, Miss Thompson a year after before, Thompson broke up with him this year, which led to his death.
His friends have described him has a fun loving man, who loved all and was loved by all, but the only problem he had was depression. Before finally succeeding to take his life now, Hughes was caught some time ago by the Police trying to snuff life out of himself with a tie. Read what his fiancee and mother said after the cut.

Sadly, his fiancée who ‘made’ him take his life in this last suicide attempt, said the major reason why she left him after four years was because of this same thing- Depression. Her words;
"We had our problems as people do. He did have down periods and up periods with the depression which we worked through.

"There was a strain because of his problems and around the end of May we decided to have a trial separation where I moved back to my parents’ house.

“Around July 6 I decided the relationship couldn’t continue. I still saw him but he didn’t take it well at all. I saw him and he was really upset.

"He didn’t go to work that week and he was really down but I stayed with him on Monday 7 then went to work on the Tuesday.
"He was still upset and wasn’t going to work. During that day I received texts from him and some of those stated he intended to harm himself.

"He also threatened to kill himself during the texts. I didn’t think he was being serious.

“I saw him on Wednesday July 9 and he seemed a lot more positive. He text me at six o'clock the next morning and said he had been up all night and it was as if he finally accepted the relationship was over.

"He was apologising, saying ‘I’m sorry for everything’. Looking back, it seems he had made the decision - but he wasn’t making threats like he had been.

“He rang me at about 12.20pm when I was at work. We spoke for about a minute and I said I would ring him back later.

"He paused for a while and said ‘bye’ and that was it. I tried to ring him as soon as I could but couldn’t get hold of him.

“He was very troubled by depression but from around November to May he had made lots of progress and was mostly back to his usual self - but when we had a falling-out he went right back down to rock-bottom.”

His mom also explains what she knows;

''He was the perfect son. He was very active and enjoyed sports, especially rugby league. In his job he helped alot of young people and found it very rewarding.

"His depression started around the time he broke up with his son’s mum. He became more withdrawn, his work suffered.

"Before that he never felt sad at any time, he couldn’t process that feeling. He was happy-go-lucky and succeeded in everything he did but then everything just turned upside down for him.”

“He and Charlotte were planning to be married but his last bout of depression came on so severely. I don’t think any of us could see it coming.

"He had been getting on with his life. He came to me and it had been going on because he and Charlotte had split up which had been brought on with his depression.

"He came to see me and told me he was going to do it. He told me he was going to kill himself.

"We had arranged an appointment with the mental health crisis team for the earliest time we could. My last contact with him was a text on the day he died where he asked me not to go to his address."

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