I Have Succumbed To My Mother’s Pressure Of Getting Married Now –Dbanj

‘Yes, I was under pressure towards the end of last year to get married, my mum really wanted it,’ he said.
When NETng asked him if he was going to do what his mother really wants by taking a woman home to her this year, he said;‘Well, I don’t know yet but I know that I am intending to do it this year. More importantly for me, I’ve always wanted to have a child, but last year my brother, Kay Switch had a child and it brought so much joy to me. So this year, I’m thinking of settling down to have my own Koko junior soon,’ he said.
Hmm, me thinks D’banj shouldn’t have said this in an interview, because every girl around him now, even some that had already made up their mind to go will all turn into Mario. Even if they catch him cheating, they will still stick to him, just because they want to be the chosen one. Lol.
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